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Finally, it is that time of the year where days get shorter and nights get longer and colder. Winters bring along with them a lot of dryness problems. This chilly season takes away the moisture from your hair and skin thereby making it brittle and rough.
Below are some quick and instant home remedies by GoNirog Healthcare which have been followed since ages. So just by making use of certain ingredients and few easy methods, you can get those rosy cheeks, and shiny hair.
Severe dryness can give rise to irritation and itching which would only worsen the texture of the skin. Too much of scratching may give rise to a scar or even bleeding and skin infection at times. In case your skin becomes overly sensitive and itchy, consult a dermatologist at the earliest.
Keep your skin moisturized throughout the day. A moisturizer is nothing but a skin cream which is enriched with milk and/or fruit extracts to conceal the moisture into the skin and keeping it soft and fresh. Apart from moisturizers, these ingredients may come handy in pampering your tender skin. Make sure you use a mild soap and lukewarm water every time you bathe during winters.
⦁ Milk: Take some milk straight away from the refrigerator. Pour it in a bowl. Dip a soft cloth in it and apply directly on the dry skin. Leave it for 5 min then rinse with normal water. Milk has lactic acid in it which exfoliates dry skin and minimize the itchy, scratchy sensation caused due to dryness. This natural moisturizer helps maintain the pH level of the skin.
⦁ Olive Oil: One of the best ingredient which gives relief to the scaly dry skin. Take a few drops of it on your palm and massage gently all over the body. You can do this before going to bed or an hour before taking a shower.
⦁ Honey: Honey has the goodness of vitamins and minerals in abundance. Use this natural moisturizer to add to the glow and radiance of your skin. Take 2-3 teaspoons of honey and rub it over the face and dry areas of the body. Leave it for about 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing it with lukewarm water.
⦁Yogurt: Along with being an excellent skin hydrating agent, this milk product also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Just like milk, it helps you to combat germs and bacteria causing irritation and dryness.
⦁ Lie down under the morning sun for a while. Not only will it provide vitamin D to your body but also help you get rid of the lousiness and inactivity which people generally face during this season. If possible, try replacing your light bulbs with “full spectrum” bulbs. These bulbs emit light which is said to be similar to the natural sunlight.
Dry hair is very difficult to manage. Lack of moisture on the scalp results into white flakes which we call dandruff. Dryness makes hair easily damageable. Excessive hair loss may affect the volume and length of your hair thus it needs to be treated as early as possible. Avoid using hair dryers, chemical hair treatments and swimming in chlorinated water during this season as much as possible.
⦁ Eggs: A very good source of protein. eggs help in improving the overall quality of your hair by adding shine and texture to them. Whip egg white with warm water and apply this to your scalp. Massage for about 15 minutes in a circular motion. Rinse with cool water with a mild shampoo. This will nourish your shafts and keep them hydrated for a long time. Depending on the condition of your hair, this therapy can be repeated once or twice a week.
⦁ Coconut Oil: Massage your head with warm coconut oil from scalp to tip. Do this before going to bed. Leave it overnight so that your scalp absorbs all the moisture from the oil. Wash your hair in the morning with a mild shampoo. Also do not forget to apply a mild hydrating conditioner after every hair wash.
⦁ Bananas: The potassium content in bananas will help control split ends and soften your hair. Mash a ripe banana and apply it from the roots to the tip of your hair. Wash with lukewarm water after leaving it for an hour.
⦁ Beer: Nowadays a number of hair products are available which contain beer in them. After washing your hair. Gently dry them with a towel. Spray a little beer on your hair. Once the hair gets completely dry, you will notice bouncy and smooth hair. Do not worry about the smell of the beer as it will only last until the hair is wet.
Try these home remedies and do let us know how they worked for you. GoNirog Healthcare will keep you updated with more and more simple yet effective home remedies.