Health Benefits of Milk

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One of the most consumed and widely available beverage across the world, milk has potassium, phosphorus, vitamin D, riboflavin and niacin in abundance. We all know that milk has calcium in it which is good for the bones, but apart from this, it has a number of other benefits too.

Prevents Depression

Cow’s milk has vitamin D which boosts the production of serotonin, a hormone that keeps our mood pleasant, balances appetite and helps us sleep well at night. A glass of warm milk before going to bed will help to relax frozen muscles and soothe nerves. It is the most simple way to de-stress yourself st the end of the day.

Keeps Your Skin Glowing

Lactic acid acts as an exfoliate and ensures that your skin remains soft and smooth. Make sure you drink at least one glass of milk each day. The antioxidants in it will help your skin tackle with pollution and UV rays. Amino acids keep your skin moisturized. However, if you are allergic to dairy products, consumption of milk may result into an adverse outcome.


A number of studies have shown that people who switch to low-fat milk, loose weight fast as compared to those who skip milk or avoid drinking milk altogether. It can be had during any time of the day thus making you feel full.

Muscle Growth

It has plenty of protein which is essential in rebuilding muscles. Having a glass of milk after a workout helps the body to replenish lost fluids and prevent soreness.

Strong Bones and Teeth

This is something that we all have grown up listening to. Not just growing kids but people of all ages should make a point that they consume at least a small glass of milk every day. While strong teeth will keep you away from tooth decay and dental problems, healthy bones will prevent disorders like osteoporosis, muscle and joint pain.

Overall Health

Regular milk intake keeps blood pressure under control, prevents from stroke and a number of heart diseases. It minimizes the production of cholesterol by the liver. Studies also show that milk can help prevent certain cancers. Vitamin A and B ensure good eyesight.

With the growing trends in diet and nutrition, even milk has been categorized into several varieties such as fat-free, low-fat, and whole. Depending on your nutritional needs and diet regime, you can opt for the one that best suits your requirement.